Presentation of legal grievances


Presentation of legal grievances #

This petition is presented by four European citizens who are bi national European / United States citizens as regards the systematic breach of:

  • Article 18 of the Treaty of the Functioning of the European Union,
  • Article 21.2 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union,
  • Directives and Regulations:
    • 2009/65 (known as the UCITS directive),
    • 1286/2014 (known as the PRIIPS Regulation),
    • 2014/65 (known as MiFIDII),
    • 2017/1129 (Prospectuses),
    • 2019/1156 (Marketing Communications),

by 11 National Competent Authorities, under the direct supervisory authority when implementing EU law of the European Securities and Markets Authority (thereafter ESMA).

So far ESMA has failed to fulfill its obligations as per - Article 08, Article 09 and Article 17 of Regulation 1095/2010, as well as the “Rules of Procedures for investigations of breach of Union law” set by itself, by pretending to ignore overt discrimination against EU US bi national citizens and solely US citizens legally residing in the Union on the basis of their nationality in documentation entirely regulated by EU law and supervised by the National Competent Authorities of 11 Member States.

As such article 51.1 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights unreservedly applies.

  • The issue of the true and legal meaning of EU citizenship is the other foundational issue raised in this petition.

  • Finally there is the fundamental issue of the GDPR which is dealt with by Filippo Noseda of Mishcon de Reya and Jenny’s lawsuit, but is studiously ignored by the European Data Protection Board (EDPB). Those are the three main legal issues that if not swiftly addressed will empty the European Union’s project of its meaning.